
9444 Fertőszentmiklós, Mező utca 1747/34.


+36 30 314 2799

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Manufacturing Collaborations

Inseparable harmony
of quality and quantity

Our company manufactures bakery products mainly for the confectionary market (40 percent in Hungary and 60 percent abroad). We do not market our products under our brand name but manufacture and deliver them to other companies we cooperate with. Our customers have high-quality requirements, and as a premium manufacturer, we are perfectly qualified to meet their needs. 

Golden circle

Unique Product Development

From design to testing,
from trial production to mass production

If our partners want to develop a new product but do not have sufficient capacity for it, we can undertake the entire development process and production as well.

Kézzel készített sütemények

We believe that the perfect solution
lies in the small details

Raw Materials

When it comes to raw materials
we only trust and use the highest quality

We only have dough made from high-quality butter, and we also work with free-range eggs. In addition, we use high-quality chocolate, walnut, and jam. High cocoa and fruit content are responsible for the real taste experience.

Kézzel készített sütemények

Shelf Life

We can even meet
individual shelf life requirements

During the development of new products, we always ensure they retain their freshness and taste for as long as possible. To this end, we prepare several storage samples and regularly taste them.

If necessary, we cooperate closely with the Faculty of Food Sciences of Szent István University, who help us with laboratory tests to ensure that the quality of our products is as high as possible and that consumers can enjoy the flavors for a long time.



We fully undertake
the packaging of our products

We work with shrink wrapping, flowpack, tray sealing, and bag sealing machines. With all of this, we guarantee our products’ freshness and safe delivery.